Pyramid is certified in the International Organization for Standards (ISO) 9001:2015, ISO 20000-1:2018 and ISO 27001:2013. We invest in maintaining our certifications so our clients can be confident and assured that we adhere to internationally accepted and renowned standards of quality.
Within the company, compliance to these standards is used to ensure that we are continuously improving and evolving our processes, communications and predictive risk management methodologies to better serve our customers’ business needs.
Pyramid is successfully appraised at Level 3 of ISACA’s Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development and Services (CMMI-DEV ML3, CMMI-SVC ML3). We are dedicated to continuous performance improvement and producing the highest quality of products and services. Our process maturity enables high rates of success by planning, executing, and managing our customers' technology projects and services with well-defined, repeatable processes and best practices.
Our proactive focus on continuous improvement helps our clients effectively identify, develop, and implement best-fit and forward-thinking business solutions that exceed their requirements.

Supporting Executive Order 14030, Pyramid measured and established a baseline of our greenhouse gas emissions for Calendar Year (CY) 2022 for all facilities leased and controlled by the company. View our results and reduction targets.